We provide consulting services in the environmental field.
We provide collection and recovery of secondary raw materials.
ENEX trade, s.r.o. | Zlatovská 1962, 911 05 Trenčín
tel. | fax.: +421 32 642 09 09
e-mail: office@enextrade.sk
tel. | fax.: +421 32 642 09 09
e-mail: office@enextrade.sk
References (most important customers):
Comprehensive services in the field of environment
Comprehensive services in the field of environment
- TSR Slovakia, s.r.o.
- ARAVER, a.s.
- Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s.
- Nitrianske komunálne služby, s.r.o.
- NEPCO SK, s.r.o.
- Linde Material Handling Slovenská republika s.r.o
- Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza, a.s. – The new heat source Novaky
- Vailant - expansion of the production site Trenčianske Stankovce
- Continental Matador Rubber, s.r.o. - Relocation Temporary Storage Continental Matador Rubber, Púchov
- Agrospol Želovce, s.r.o. – composting and decontamination areas
- TSR Slovakia, s.r.o. -Device for collecting metal waste Sucany
- Construction of a new facility for the purchase and processing of scrap iron and non-ferrous metals plant site Istrochem, Inc. Bratislava - Nové Mesto
- AS Trenčín football stadium
- De Paauw Recycling Slovakia s.r.o. - Treatment plants Trenčianske Bohuslavice
- Výstavba vodných elektrární, s.r.o. -Build a production site for machinery production.
- TORIO, s.r.o. - recovery facilities Ilava
- The study on the management of BDMW in the capital city of Bratislava
- The study proposes a system of collection and transport of kitchen and canteen waste in the capital city of Bratislava
- Preparation of the main theses as "Priority environment" for the capital Bratislava
- CEMMAC SpA - Developing marketing studies of regional potential cement plant waste recovery, production of alternative fuels
- Žilinská teplárenská, Inc. - Preparation and implementation of new source (preliminary feasibility study)
- Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza, a.s. -The project for the cultivation of fast-growing trees
- Agrospol Želovce - Decontamination facility, composting and innovation project
- SE, a.s., závod Mochovce 3,4 - Assessment of cumulative impacts on the environment completion MO3,4